
Apocalypse/outbreak-Setting: During the year of 2078, in a country side of townBackground: When the government thought technology would take over the world and improve many of the social problems like poverty or climate change. But during the testing and labs, one of the scientists took a biochemical and mixed it in with a nuclear fuel tank that created a toxic gas. It turned people into these zombies that have mutations.The mutations: multiple limbs, broken limbs, no face, one limb, an animal like creature, fur, scales, zombie-like, deaf(bleeding nonstop in the ears. Once you transform, you can’t be healed.The groups:
AFO - American Freedom Officials. They are the helpers. They are a group of soldiers that help people in need. Which they soon train into soldiers. There isn’t a choice if you are caught by one. If you do - and you say no…you are dead.
WPL - Wolf Pack Loners. These are people who don’t go in groups and aren’t apart of the AFO. They are literally on their own, trying to survive. These people tend to live in the woods or in an apartment complex with other loners (like neighbors).
LAF - Leader And Followers. These are people who are in groups and aren’t in AFO. They work in groups of 4-5, with one being a leader and the rest follow, some are given jobs within the groups. They live in bunkers or old run down buildings.
T3CHNO - Technology users (the scientists/developers). These are people who work with the AFO to try and contain the mutation. They try to use “cool” and “updated” technology to contain the virus.

War-Setting: Years of 2012 or 2013, in Russia.Background: The Rainy War - A war that happened in 2001. Thousandsof Americans and Russians dying and risking their lives to save their own country from the invade that Americans did to Russia. Which Russia lost the most people. A total of 500,000 people. It was a bit of war that lasted from 2001-2009.Why: America and Russia after the Cold War still had problems going on that weren’t direct, but the tension was there. America felt the need to Invade Russia to keep it from being Powerless and not overthrow other countries. It was called the rainy war because it rained for 5 days straight.Groups:
RFAP- Russia Freedom And Power. They are seen as the bad guys.(Since they are a terrorist group) Total members: 5,000
AEA - American Eagle Association. They are seen as the good guys. Total members: 50,000

The South-Setting: in Georgia, US, 1850s-1890sBackground: The South is full of petty drama, crime and corruption of the law. There are plenty of people who don’t want to live there but are too poor to even move.Groups:
Riders- Ride around the south
Townsfolk - people who live in the town
Outlaws -wanted criminals
Bounty hunters - hunt down criminals
Outsiders - live on the outside of the town

Hard Times-Setting: in New York Alleyways, 2018 - 2024Background: Living in the Alleyways was hard and difficult for everyone. There were times where people had bad mental health and took the suicide route. Some went to drugs and others prostitution and pimps. This is a more rough way of living.Groups:
Drug dealers
Drug addicts
Other criminals(rapists, murders)
Gang members(sometimes)